Recently, the Turkish customs and border control services have begun to more carefully inspect the luggage of tourists. Consequently, cases of detention of tourists have become more frequent, associated with the discovery in the luggage of tourists of objects that may have cultural, historical and archaeological value (archaeological finds, elements of bas-reliefs and mosaics, antiques over 100 years old, etc.), as well as ethnographic value (antique objects life of the Turkish village: irons, keys, etc.).
How so? Is it then legal to freely sell antiques? Yes, antiquities and ethnography put up for sale in Turkey can be freely sold within the country, but not subject to export abroad. But think like that, you are not allowed to bring most of the fun stuff you can freely buy in Amsterdam to your country. Right?
Attention! Turkish legislation to combat the illegal export of antiquities, works of art and artifacts provides for criminal prosecution of violators and imprisonment for a period of five to twelve years.

If you still want to buy something unique then:
1. Do not purchase antiques in any place other than specialty stores that have the appropriate licenses;
2. Be sure to ask for sales receipts and receipts for purchased items and keep them;
3. Strictly follow the rules for visiting historical sites. Do not take anything "for memory" and make sure that these rules are not violated by children who came on a tour with adults;
4. If you are buying genuine artifacts and works of art, you need to clarify the rules for their export in advance and issue the appropriate permits.
Once again: it is forbidden to export from Turkey any historical items, including costumes and souvenirs that are more than 50 years old. Attention! An iron or a key from 1950 are already forbidden things! The carpet, which is over 100 years old, and old coins, regardless of the metal from which they are made, are prohibited from exporting.

Under the ban on drugs and weapons - this is understandable. But be aware that any imitation of weapons is also prohibited, even from a children's toy store. Therefore, be careful when purchasing a toy saber or machine gun for children in Turkey - they may not be allowed through customs.
Theoretically, at customs, when scanning luggage, you may even be asked for a shell from the beach. Although usually, these things are not too picky.
It is also forbidden to export medicines containing narcotic or psychotropic substances from Turkey. If you bought a prescription drug, you need to carefully study the composition to avoid problems at customs. The recipe must be kept with you and presented if necessary.

Local food products weighing more than 5 kg cannot be exported from Turkey. And the total amount is more expensive than 100 Turkish liras... But, you know, this rule does not work at all with our inflation.
Oddly enough, according to the IATA directory, there is also a ban on the export of any grain products from Turkey, as well as tea, cocoa and coffee, and even spices. In practice, it is not applied. But you can be stopped if you are carrying a very large amount, for example, a suitcase with 10 kilograms of Turkish tea). Don't do it.
Exotic animals Van cats and sea turtles are also banned from Turkey. It is not allowed to export pets less than 3 months old, as well as pets without a certificate of vaccination and a certificate from a veterinary clinic.